0.4 (2014-09-08)

  • There was a bug in the new component(name) method to obtain the component, because it wouldn’t work for local components. Fixing this properly took a significant refactoring:
    • the ComponentCollection gains its own fallback behavior, much simpler to implement than in LocalComponentCollection.
    • UrlComponent is now gone and Component gains that functionality; it keeps a reference to the collection itself now.
    • add a lot of free-standing functions to the methods.
    • an earlier hack passing the component collection through an argument is now gone.
  • The new .component() API to get a component from a collection explicitly in order to get its URL is gone again as it conflicted with an earlier API on local component collections. Instead use collection.get_component(name).

0.3 (2014-08-28)

  • BowerStatic failed to initialize if a component was discovered without a main. These are handled now – if you try to include a path to such a resource, no extra inclusions are generated. Fixes #5.
  • If main was an array, only the first such resource was loaded. The correct behavior should be to load all these resources. This required a reworking of how resources get created; instead of creating a single resource for a path, a list of resources is created everywhere. Fixes #6 (and was mentioned in #5).
  • Introduce a component(name) method on the components object. Given a component name it will give an object that has a url() method. This can be used to obtain the URL of a component directory, which is sometimes useful when client-side code needs to construct URLs itself, such as for templates. Fixes issue #8.
  • You can register a renderer for a particular extension type using, for example, bower.renderer('.js', render_js), where render_js takes a URL and should return a string with a HTML snippet to include on the page.

0.2 (2014-07-18)

  • Even if the same resource is included multiple times, it will only be included once. Thanks Ying Zhong for the bug report and suggested fix.

0.1 (2014-07-07)

  • Initial public release.